Have you considered undergoing surgical labiaplasty or designer vaginoplasty? If you have, you’ll certainly have questions on how you will look after the procedure.
What Are Labiaplasty and Vaginoplasty?
Labiaplasty is the surgery performed to reduce the length or thickness of the labia. The excess skin can cause pain and irritation when it’s tugged and twisted during certain activities. It can also result in an uncomfortable feeling and self-consciousness to wear tight-fitting or skin-revealing clothes.
Vaginoplasty, on the other hand, is the procedure for tightening the walls of the vagina which have become loose due to multiple childbirth or aging. Women often seek vaginoplasty procedures to cure urinary incontinence and the loss of sexual gratification.
Cosmetic clinics often offer a variety of vaginal rejuvenation procedures to satisfy the goals of clients. Dr. Matlock remains to be the best in the field by offering the widest range of vaginal procedures, including:
- Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® (LVR®)
- Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® (DLV®)
- Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora
- Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® and Designer Laser Vaginoplasty®
- Combination of LVR®, DLV®, and other Cosmetic Surgical Procedures
Vaginal rejuvenation techniques aim to restore youthfulness in your physical appearance. Although a vaginoplasty surgery can be performed with or without labiaplasty surgery, the two are often combined to create the best possible look that will improve your confidence as a woman.
What Clients Often Seek
Among the breadth of vaginal rejuvenation procedures that Dr. Matlock offers, two of them can be described as the ‘bestsellers’ that women often consult about getting: Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® and Designer Laser Vaginoplasty®.
Aging and childbirth can cause vaginal relaxation. This condition causes a decrease in vaginal strength, control, and muscle tone, resulting in a variety of conditions like decreased sexual gratification and stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
LVR repairs vaginal and perineal muscles by cutting, dissecting, and suturing them. The purpose of this vaginoplasty procedure is to tighten the top, bottom, and outside portions of the vagina. Doing this will decrease the vagina’s internal and external diameters and build up the perineal body.
Compared to other methods, LVR is gentler on the tissues, thus there’s lesser bruising and bleeding during and after the operation.
Aging, weight loss, childbirth, and genetics may negatively affect the appearance of the vagina. Those who want to restore the youthful appearance of their female parts seek DLV from Dr. Matlock’s clinic.
DLV consists of a series of surgeries, depending on the desired changes of the client. It’s a broad procedure that can be subdivided into categories that deal with specific concerns on the labia like Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora, with Reduction of Excess Prepuce, Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora, with Reduction of Thickness and Reduction of Excess Prepuce, and Labia Majora Augmentation via Fat Transfer. Some of these can be combined to create the best effect that will make clients feel more confident again.
How Will You Look After Labiaplasty?
Watching and reading about vaginoplasty and labiaplasty will give perspective on what the surgery can or cannot do. You can read more on Dr. Matlock’s Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora on our website. You can also watch videos of the vaginoplasty surgery to know more about the procedure.
Take a look at the before and after photos and see for yourself what Dr. Matlock’s vaginoplasty procedure have done on previous patients.

Every patient’s body is different, and your specific concerns and desired results may be different from someone else’s. That’s especially true if you are seeking surgery to correct a previously botched procedure or to finally accomplish what some non-surgical “treatment” did not do for you. The bottom line is that your results will be unique to you.
Nonetheless, by studying before and after pictures you can see how Dr. Matlock’s Laser Reduction Labiaplasty has transformed the external genitalia of countless women.
Proof That It Works
Before and after photos of a vaginoplasty procedure help set your expectations on the extent and limitations of any given surgery. There’s also the factor of the cosmetic surgeon’s skill, knowledge, approach, and experience in handling different conditions and produce the desired results.
So, before deciding on the clinic or doctor who will do the vaginoplasty procedure, make sure you look at the before and after results of their patients to assess whether they fit your standards.

Dr. Matlock and his team have extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of conducting vaginoplasty surgeries. They understand how to deal with different situations and still manage to produce magnificent results that always please clients.
You can learn more about Laser Reduction Labiaplasty by browsing through our website. You can also see it in action through videos made by Dr. Matlock. If you haven’t read or seen any of these, we encourage you to do so because it will shed light on the vaginoplasty procedure.
Dr. Matlock would be the first person to tell you that well-informed patients achieve the best results because they have the most realistic expectations.
Dr. Matlock – The Best in the Field
Dr. Matlock is the best choice to go to for your Laser Reduction Labiaplasty. As a pioneer in the field of Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery and the creator of the Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora, you can expect to receive only the best treatment there is. You’ll get real, permanent results that will restore your confidence.
Dr. Matlock has treated countless women in every US state and in over 70 other countries worldwide. His clients range from Hollywood celebrities and international artists to politicians and billionaires from all over the globe.
Dr. Matlock has also trained 450 plastic surgeons, gynecologists, and urologists in 46 countries to perform his proprietary vulvo-vaginal surgical procedures. These experts have ventured and prospered in their respective fields, thanks to Dr. Matlock’s sharing of knowledge and experience.
All these references about the extent of Dr. Matlock’s expertise in vaginal rejuvenation techniques are why he’s a highly respected figure in the industry. You can clearly see in the testimonials and the photos that every designer vaginoplasty Dr. Matlock has completed is a work of art.
So, even though each patient has a different body structure and condition, you’ll notice in every set of before and after photos that the latter looks more youthful and entirely natural. Many of Dr. Matlock’s patients say that their vagina looked prettier and perkier after the procedure.
Schedule a Consultation Now
We know you’ll have more questions as you read and watch more about the vaginoplasty surgery. Please write them all down, so you can ask them during your personal consultation with Dr. Matlock. He wants you to have a clear understanding of what labiaplasty is, including what can be and cannot be done, and the required surgical plan to achieve the results you’re expecting.
Book Your Consultation and plan how your vaginoplasty procedure should go to get the results you’ll love.