Queef [Kweef] Slang, Vulgar Definition: an expulsion of air through the vagina.
Is queefing sexy or embarrassing?
Is queefing a turn on or a turn off?
First and foremost, if queefing has ever happened to you it is important to understand that there is nothing wrong with you medically. We searched the medical literature for scientific information on the subject but there was none. Therefore, we are providing insight from information we have obtained from patients we have treated from all 50 states and over 70 countries. We primarily deal with patients seeking solutions to decrease/eliminate queefing because they find it embarrassing and socially unacceptable.
Queefing results from the vagina engulfing air and the subsequent expulsion of the odorless air (either spontaneously or pushed out via intercourse/sex toy) with an audible noise(s) which could be singular or a flappier noise (like an inflated balloon being released) or a combination of the two. In easier terms a “vaginal fart”.
Queefing more likely occurs with sexual intercourse (because a penis or sex toy is going in and out of the vagina which pushes air in and out) but it can also occur with exercise such as yoga, pilates etc.
In regards to women in our patient population who find queefing embarrassing/socially unacceptable to them and want a solution, we see the following characteristics.
1. Pre-menopausal sexually active women.
2. Have one or more children (note that the greater number of children, the more trauma to the vagina in terms of relaxation of the pelvic support muscles and widening of the internal and external vagina which can be a contributing factor to queefing).
3. Sexual position definitely produces/exacerbates queefing. The wider the female legs are spread apart, the higher the female pelvis is raised, the farther back the legs are raised (toward the head) the more likely queefing is to occur.
The following pictorial positions (and more) from the Kamasutra are conducive to queefing.

4. It is exceptionally concerning for women who are not in stable relationships or on the dating scene.
5. It is exceptionally concerning for divorced women who are “getting back out there.”
6. Women who become excessively wet during sexual intercourse note that this increases the likelihood of queefing.
7. The excessive use of lubricants such as K-Y Jelly and Astroglide (just like #6 above) can increase queefing frequency.
8. The more sexually stimulated the more likely the occurrence.
9. The length of sexual activity the more likely the occurrence.
10. The more the penis is removed and reinserted into the vagina the more likely to push greater amounts of air into the vagina and thus the greater likelihood of queefing.
11. Queefing is least likely in the missionary position.
12. Queefing could be psychologically inhibiting sexually for those women who find it embarrassing/socially unacceptable.
Before looking at non-surgical and surgical solutions, we reiterate queefing is NOT a medical issue. No action needs to be taken unless you are looking for options.
Fact: In the human sexual response cycle woman are far more advanced than men! In this regard, women are in the space age and men are in the ice age. Believe us when we say this because the explanation is beyond the scope of this communication.
But ladies, if you want to explore how fabulous and intricate you are, I refer you to the following scientific article (I use this to explain to women things they experience and just how complex they are): The Female Sexual Response: A Different Model
Based upon the above 12-point anecdotal information provided by patients interested in queefing solutions we submit the following.
Non-Surgical Solutions
Let us address two of the questions we lead off with:
Is queefing sexy or embarrassing?
Is queefing a turn on or a turn off?
Sex involves all five senses, sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch. Queefing is front and center in hearing and touch and it is best explained from a history of one of our patients. The patient had several children and as a result she complained about some stress urinary incontinence (involuntary loss of urine with laughing, coughing and exercising), vaginal relaxation and some decrease sexual gratification as a result of childbirth (30 million American women have similar complaints as a result of childbirth).
She noted some occasional queefing with sex but she didn’t mind it at all and she stated that when it happened she would tell her husband, “baby you like making that vagina talk don’t you?” She went on to say that they both felt that it was a turn on with the reverberations/flapping of the vagina walls, vaginal opening and labia minora. She also noted that telling him what she said made him feel like stud.
The moral of the story is this, if queefing is not an issue, embrace it, take control of it, even use reverse psychology and tell your partner, like our patient did, “baby you like making this vagina talk, don’t you?”
Surgical Solutions
Now if it is an issue and you are looking for a solution or treatment, Dr. Matlock can help you. Normally patients have concomitant complaints relating to vaginal relaxation from childbirth. Let’s use a patient example, albeit extreme, to demonstrate a surgical correction for queefing along with correction for vaginal relaxation issues. The patient was mid-thirties with two children and had a major complaint of queefing during sexual intercourse that was embarrassing and socially unacceptable.
She stated that she can literally engulf a liter of air into her vagina (a liter is ½ the volume of a two-liter Coca Cola bottle). The patient was 5’7” and 130 pounds. During the consultation she sensed that I was somewhat puzzled with such an unusual story about the volume of air she stated engulfs into the vagina. With that she said let me show you and while on the examining table laying on her back she did what I now know as a yoga pose called standing forward bend (see the below image).

The nurse and I looked at each other in amazement and then the patient requested that I examine her to see how much air she engulfed. To my surprise she did indeed engulf a substantial amount of air and the mid to posterior (back half) part of the vagina was distended with air.
The patient’s condition was a result of her vaginal relaxation from childbirth. The greater number of children or size of children can result in an enlargement, looseness of the internal and external vaginal diameters as well as marked relaxation and separation of the vaginal muscles and support structures. The perineal body (muscles at the opening of the vagina partly responsible for a strong Kegel contraction) is severely damage and offers poor support…no grip. She opted for Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation®.
The Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® technique decreases the internal diameter of the vagina, the external diameter of the vagina and reconstructs the perineum (to produce a 10/10 Kegal contractile force). The diameters can be adjusted according to the patient’s desire. Most patients around the world want the vagina restored to that of a 16-year-old. Sexual gratification for the female is directly related to the amount of frictional forces generated.
The patient resumed sexual activity after her 6-week healing period and to her utter joy the queefing and vaginal air engulfing completely stopped. Her surgery was 6 years ago and every Valentine’s Day we get a box of Godiva chocolates reminding us, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation®…how sweet it is!
We want to thank our patients of the world for their honesty, openness, trust and all that they have taught us throughout the years. In doing so, we have been able to assimilate this knowledge to help others. For this we are eternally grateful!