Vaser-Assisted Liposculpturing
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Many people seek liposuction because they want to improve their contour and remove fat from specific areas including abdomen, hips, thighs, back, arms, chest and neck. Contact us today to schedule your Liposculpturing consultation with Dr. David Matlock for more information.
Below you will find an overview of Vaser Assisted Liposculpturing as performed by Dr. David Matlock. As a cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Matlock is an internationally renowned expert in the art of Liposculpturing.
This page is meant to provide essential information about the procedure. It is not meant to replace a personal consultation with Dr. Matlock, during which you will discuss this surgery as it pertains specifically to your body and aesthetic goals. As you read, feel free to make note of any questions you will want to ask later.
What is Vaser-Assisted Liposculpturing?
Traditional Liposculpturing is a highly effective procedure designed to remove excess fat from almost anywhere on the body. It has been popular with patients for many years because so many of us are challenged by stubborn fat deposits that persist in spite of our efforts to eat well, exercise, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
During traditional liposuction, the fatty tissue is first infused with a solution called tumescent which consists of saline and epinephrine. The purpose is to substantially minimize bleeding and provide the patient with up to 12-18 hours of postoperative pain control. Then a suction cannula is used to aesthetically remove the fatty tissue (deep, middle and superficial) and provide the desired contoured shape.
Liposuction was introduced into the United States around 1980. It was actually developed by a French gynecologist. Dr. Matlock started performing Liposuction in 1987. Liposuction is the most labor-intensive and physically demanding cosmetic surgical procedure. If you have ever seen the procedure you will understand that it is demanding. Dr. Matlock always wants to provide his patients the most technological advances in the science of Liposuction, so in 2002 he adopted the incorporation of Vaser-Assisted Liposuction. Vaser stands for vibration amplification of sound at resonance.
Vaser gently breaks down the fat. For example, consider the fat as grapes on the stem and attached to the vine. Vaser separates the individual grapes off the vine and stem. This drastically reduces the force needed to extract the fat. It also makes the entire Liposuction procedure gentler, thus reducing swelling and bruising. In addition, it provides 53% more skin tightening than regular liposuction. This is why Dr. Matlock employs this technology for Vaser assisted liposculpturing.
Vaser Assisted Liposculpturing is an outpatient procedure, performed in our office. Patients may choose local anesthesia, IV sedation, twilight or general anesthesia, although 98% of our patients choose general anesthesia.
This procedure is a good choice for slimming and re-contouring the knees, thighs, chest, abdomen, “love handles,” arms, neck, and chin. The procedure is most effective for patients whose skin is elastic and who are in good overall health and close to normal weight. It is essential to have realistic expectations about the outcome. Although patients not meeting this criteria can be candidates as well.
Benefits of Vaser Assisted Liposculpturing
This state-of-the-art procedure is gentler than traditional techniques, designed to protect surrounding tissues. It minimizes bruising, swelling and pain. It also gives Dr. Matlock greater control as he works, to more precisely shape and contour the target area. Furthermore, whereas traditional Liposculpturing aims primarily to remove excess fat, the Vaser Assisted technique also produces significant skin tightening, resulting in a smoother, more youthful surface appearance.
Dr. Matlock performs four different procedures — traditional Liposculpturing, Vaser Assisted Liposculpturing, Vaser Hi-Definition Liposculpturing, and Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding® Liposculpturing. There is an option that nicely fits your body as well as your goals. Patients can achieve the level of contouring and definition they desire, from simple fat-reduction and slimming to the ultimate ripped look.
Surgery Preparation
During your personal consultation with Dr. Matlock, he will review your medical history and may ask additional questions related to your planned procedure. He will also ask for a list of all medications you take, including any over-the-counter herbs or vitamins.
To reduce the risk of complications and shorten your recovery time, you can:
- Avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen, Naprosyn, vitamin E, St. John’s wort or other supplements that can cause blood thinning. (You will be given a complete list.)
- Stop smoking at least two weeks prior to your procedure.
- Avoid drinking alcohol in excess for two weeks prior to your procedure and for the week afterward.
- Drink plenty of water in the days before your procedure.
Post Surgery
You should expect to take a week or so off work and other activities so your body can start healing. How much time you’ll need depends on the number and size of the areas treated. Most patients are up and walking around within a day after their Vaser Assisted Liposculpturing procedure. Excess tumescent fluid will drain for the first day or two, and the fluid may appear a bit bloody. This is all normal.
By day two or three, you can shower. You will continue to experience soreness for two or three weeks, and you will wear a special compression garment for the first month. For the first two weeks you will wear it day and night, then during the final two weeks, just when you are out and about.
As post-procedure swelling subsides you will see your new shape emerge. You’ll have a good look at the results after six weeks, but your appearance will continue to gradually change for as long as four months. Because Dr. Matlock makes only tiny incisions during Vaser Assisted Liposculpturing, any residual incision points will be minimal.
Areas where you have had liposculpturing are resistant to fatty accumulation. To maintain your results it is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise program. Dr. Matlock will provide you with appropriate diets and a high intensity weight training program and/or a high intensity cardio program.
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