Labia Minora with Reduction of Thickness of the Minora

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

LRL with reduction of thickness is a popular procedure for women wishing to reduce the appearance of the large or protruding labia minor and reduce the thickness of the labia minor. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. David Matlock today!


Welcome to your guide to Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora with Reduction of Thickness. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the procedure and what you can do to ensure a result you will love. Remember, this presentation does not take the place of your consultation and you should make sure to jot down any questions you may want to ask us later.

Laser Reduction Labiaplasty of the Labia Minora with Reduction of  Thickness is the second most common Female Genital Surgery procedure. LRL  with reduction of thickness is a popular procedure for women wishing to reduce the appearance of the large or protruding labia minor and reduce the thickness of the labia minor. Most women who have a LRL have the excess prepuce reduced to enhance the overall aesthetics thus providing a more youthful look.

The best candidate for this procedure is a physically healthy woman with realistic goals.


How will your Laser Reduction Labiaplasty with Reduction of Thickness be preformed?

Typically performed on an outpatient basis under local with pudendal block (nerve block to numb the entire vagina and vulva), IV sedation with pudendal, twilight with pudendal, epidural, and general anesthesia, LRL® can last 1hour to 1 1/2 hours depending on the extent of the LRL procedure required to provide the ultimate aesthetic look.

First a pudendal block is given to provide 18-24 hours post operative pain control anesthesia. Then a proprietary Designer Laser Vaginoplasty® technique is used to perform the LRL with reduction of thickness. A surgical marker is used to appropriately mark the labia minor. Special memory sutures are then placed. A special laser that is delicate on the tissue is used to perform the LRL.  Then a special technique is performed to reduce the tissue between the edges of the labia resulting in marked thinning of the minora. Once this is completed, skin staples are placed on the edges of the labia to line it up. The edges are then closed with absorbable suture and the staples are removed. Attention is then turned to the prepuce where a proprietary technique is used to remove just the right amount of prepuce. Very fine absorbable sutures are use to close this area. Upon completion of the LRL you are transferred to the recovery room. The recovery period is usually 1 to 2 hours and then you are released into the custody of an adult and you can go home.


Some suggestions to help you prepare for surgery.

During you consultation you should be very open; provide all of your medical history and list all of the medications, vitamins, and herbs you are taking (even if you don’t think they’re important).

Here are some tips that may help you shorten your recovery time and decrease your chances of complications.

  • Discontinue using Aspirin (including medications that contain Aspirin), Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E and other supplements as directed.  These act as blood thinners and could cause excessive bruising, bleeding or other complications. We will give you a complete list of medications and herbal supplements to avoid prior to your procedure.
  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks before and one week after surgery, as nicotine can impair circulation and healing.
  • Don’t drink alcohol in excess for two week before your Liposculpturing procedure and one week after the surgery.
  • Drink lots of water in the days leading up to your LRL procedure.

To make your recovery easier and more comfortable be sure to:

  • Arrange for someone to take you home and take care of you for at least the first day. For out of town, national and international patients, private nursing care, private recovery centers and hotel accommodators can be made through our office.

Fill your prescriptions and place them within easy reach of where you well be resting.

Post Surgery

You should expect some bruising, swelling and pain after your procedure. Swelling may linger for as long as two to four weeks. Pain medication will be prescribed to control any discomfort, however, if you begin to have severe pain, contact us immediately. Note that the pain medications can cause constipation (it is the most common complaint) and you should use a stool softener such as colace, drink plenty of fluids, and eat fruits and vegetables to help to keep the stools soft. Apply ice packs to the labia off and on for the first 48 hours to minimize swelling. Make sure that you take all medications as prescribed.

The recovery process is different for everyone, but within a day after your LRL, you should be up and walking around. You may shower on the second or third day following surgery. No tube baths for four weeks. Refrain from thong underwear and tight fitting clothing for four weeks. You may need to be out of work and away from your usual activities for the first week. Over the next two or three weeks your treated areas may remain very sensitive and strenuous physical activities should be limited. Following this period you may gradually return to activities such or lifting, and light exercise. Avoid any high impact activities for about one month. In particular you should avoid jogging and bouncing activities for up to six weeks. These procedures will help you avoid stress to your treated areas and allow time to heal and recover. Sex may be resumed in six weeks.

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