Dr. Matlock

CALL US: (310) 879-0788

Corporate Butt®

Looking for a way to boost your confidence and get the body you’ve always wanted? Look no further than Dr. Matlock’s signature Corporate Butt® buttock enhancing procedure! This is perfect for the person that wants a subtle enhancement for a proportionate body.

This revolutionary procedure uses your own fat to create a more shapely, lifted, and youthful looking backside.

Dr. Matlock is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 20 years of experience. He is known for his natural-looking results and his commitment to patient safety. Ready to get a coveted Corporate Butt®? Book your free consult below!


All about the Corporate Butt®


WHAT IS A Corporate butt®?

Sir Mix-a-Lot might appreciate a bit butt, but the latest trend we’re seeing is our patients shifting away from the excessive derrière to a subtle, rounded butt that we have coined the Corporate Butt®.

Our patients want their current “billboard butts” reduced to a Corporate Butts®. First-time patients of our buttock augmentation procedures are also asking for a subtle size and not the “big butts” Sir Mix-a-Lot spoke about—Dr.Matlock can help sculpt the perfect butt you’ve always wanted.

Dr. Matlock was instrumental in popularizing the Brazilian Butt Lift on E! Entertainment’s hit reality TV show: Dr. 90210. He is the go-to surgeon for A-listers and his services are sought throughout the world by discerning clients that want the best!

THe Corporate Butt® in-Depth

Pre & Post-Op Prep

During the initial patient consultation, the doctor identifies the patient’s desires for the Corporate Butt® and the possible areas for liposculpturing. The goals of the patient for undergoing the buttock augmentation procedure must be realistic and aligned with the doctor’s recommendations. There must be absolute clarity that the patient understands what can and cannot be done.

Dr. Matlock thoroughly examines the buttock structure, noting any deficiencies and receptiveness to expansion. The areas for liposculpturing necessary to enhance the patient’s results and creating that highly desired “A” frame shape are all thoroughly discussed during the consultation phase. The essential areas to sculpt out the most aesthetically pleasing butt are discussed first.

After this, the discussion centers on the number of areas that need to be treated to achieve the desired body shape, as well as the amount of fat required to perform the Brazilian Butt Lift.

During your consultation with Dr. Matlock, you can expect to:

Discuss your body goals and aspirations.
Prior to your initial consultation, think about the goals you’d like to achieve. What specific concerns do you have with your body and why? Be prepared to discuss the details of your medical history, so that Dr. Matlock can prepare a customized treatment plan just for you. This also allows Dr. Matlock to maximize your one-on-one time during the consultation.

Discuss your medical history.
The consultation will be inclusive and cover your medical problems, the reasons why you are seeking a consultation, and a physical examination if you are local. If this is a virtual consultation, we will ask you to share these details so Dr. Matlock can review them prior to speaking with you.

Discuss pricing and scheduling information.
During the consultation, we will discuss pricing and coordinate scheduling when you are interested in moving forward in undergoing this procedure. We will also create a comprehensive treatment plan so you get the best results!

We understand the travel and scheduling limitations for our patient that are either out-of-state or traveling from another country. We make sure to prioritize scheduling flexibility for traveling patients so that they can make arrangements (including hotels, flights, friends or family members to accompany them, hiring a private duty nurse if traveling alone, or making arrangements at an aftercare facility, if necessary).

Dr. Matlock’s concierge team can assist you with arrangements for sourcing and scheduling private nurses and/or aftercare facilities if needed.

If you are ready to move forward immediately after your consultation, we do everything possible to accommodate your desired date(s). Please be advised, Dr. Matlock performs surgeries on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

We recommend two of the following options:

Option 1*
Tuesday: Schedule your pre-operative appointment
Wednesday: Schedule your surgery
Monday: Schedule your post-operative appointment
Arrive at our office early on Tuesday for your pre-op

Option 2*
Friday: Schedule your pre-operative appointment
Monday: Schedule your surgery
Friday: Schedule your post-operative appointment

*Lab work must be done at least two weeks prior to surgery. We give patients the option to complete lab work in our office or with their primary care physicians.

Surgery Center
Dr. Matlock’s state-of-the-art surgery center is located right next door. The surgery center measures 5000 ft.² and has three operating rooms, a six-bed recovery area, and three pre-op rooms.

Patients can choose from the following choices for anesthesia: local, local with IV sedation, twilight, or general. 98% of patients request general anesthesia. This decision is between the patient and the anesthesiologists. The anesthesiologist will call the patient the day before the procedure to answer all questions concerning anesthesia care.

In the pre-op room, you will be prepped by the operating room RN and anesthesiologists. Dr. Matlock will then use a surgical marker on the skin to delineate exactly what is to be done during the Brazilian Butt Lift.

You will be transferred to the operating room for surgery. After anesthesia has been given, Dr. Matlock will inject a tumescent solution into the fat of the areas to be treated. The tumescent solution minimizes bleeding, bruising, and swelling, and provides approximately 14 hours of post-op pain control.

Dr. Matlock uses Vaser in the majority of his liposculpturing cases like Brazilian Butt Lift, Vaser-assisted, Vaser Hi Def, and Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding. The Vaser is gentle on the tissues and is fat selective—the deep, middle, and superficial fats are treated with this. It also minimizes bleeding, bruising, and swelling.


A cannula is then used to remove the emulsified material from the deep, middle, and superficial layers. The extracted fat is viable (alive) and an excellent choice for the Brazilian Butt Lift. Once the fat is collected, it is processed and sterilized. The tumescent solution is removed and the fat is washed with a double antibiotic solution. The fat is then concentrated and placed in syringes that are connected to an injection cannula via a plastic tube. The deep, middle, and superficial fat of the buttocks are then augmented as planned to achieve the desired result.

Upon completion of the Corporate Butt®, the patient will be placed in a surgical garment to support all treated areas. The garment should be worn for four weeks.

Day 1
During the first day, patients usually do not complain about discomfort because of the anesthetic effects of the tumescent solution still present in the tissues. However, the buttocks will feel sore because this area is not injected with the tumescent solution.

Patients are encouraged to move around starting on the first day, rather than just lie in bed the whole day. The more that patients are up and about, the better off they will be. Patients may return to work in one week or sooner, depending on their Corporate Butt® recovery progress and work responsibilities. Exercise may also be resumed in two weeks.

Day 2
During the first 48 hours after the buttock augmentation procedure, the patient may experience some blood-tinged fluid drainage in the incision sites. This comes from the remaining tumescent solutions in the fatty tissues. Putting down towels in the car and on the bed will be enough to soak up the drainage.

On the second day, patients usually report sore and stiffness, as if they started a new exercise program. A narcotic prescription for pain control is usually prescribed to patients for this. Two weeks of antibiotics will also be prescribed as per protocol for all patients who have undergone Corporate Butt®.

Week 1 – 2
Patients will also be instructed to sleep on their side or stomach for the first two weeks.

Patients are advised to take caution and not sit directly with their butt. Lymphatic type massage can be initiated in two weeks, but remember that the buttocks should not be massaged.

The majority of the bruising and swelling will be gone in two weeks. You’ll see almost optimal results in six weeks and continued progress up to 3 to 4 months.

4-Days Post Surgery
The first postoperative visit with Dr. Matlock will be in 4 days.

3rd & 6th Week Post Surgery
The next follow-up visit will be in three weeks, followed by another visit in the next three weeks, for a total of six weeks. During the final visit on the sixth week, a detailed analysis of the pre-op pictures and the six-week post-op Corporate Butt® recovery process will be discussed with you by Dr. Matlock. This will help you both assess the overall results. After the final visit, the patient will be released from care. Out-of-town and international patients may travel four days after the surgery.

  1. Please read all of the preoperative and postoperative instructions provided. Attend all of your scheduled appointments without a miss.

  2. You will have a blood-tinged fluid leakage through the incision sites. This will go on for about two days. Patients who had surgery on their arms may leak for a couple more days.

    Remember to put towels down in the car and on the bed to prevent soiling.

    On rare occasions, the scrotum and the penis of males can get swollen, especially if surgery was done on the abdomen. This is caused by the solution that was placed in the fat to minimize bleeding and bruising. If this happens, don’t panic as it will naturally disappear in about 4 days. It isn’t painful but it can cause some discomfort when walking and sitting.

  3. The surgical garment must be worn for four weeks. During the first two weeks, you have to wear it day and night. For the last two weeks, you’ll only have to wear it during the day.

    During the first two weeks, you can take the garment off for an hour in the morning and in the evening. Just remember to prevent the garment from forming creases on the skin because this can cause fluid buildup above and below the crease and prolong the healing in the area. Keep the garment smoothly flowing over your skin. If you prefer to use something like Spanx after 7 days, then this is fine as well as it may be more comfortable to wear.

  4. Take all medications, especially the prescribed antibiotics.

  5. Everyone heals at a different pace, but in general, you can return to work in 7 days after the Corporate Butt® recovery. You’ll most likely be completely healed in 6 weeks and you can do any activity you want by then. After this initial recovery phase, your body will continue its healing process for about 3-4 more months from the date of surgery.

  6. You can exercise according to what you can tolerate and get a massage within 10-12 days after the Corporate Butt®. Massaging can be done by hand, by using a hand massager with a flat smooth head, or with the help of a masseuse. The prescribed duration is within 10 to 15 minutes a day only. Whatever option you choose, do not massage the buttocks.

  7. Everyone gets swollen and bruised to an extent. People who had surgery on their thighs may even see swelling on the lower legs. The majority of these are gone in 2 weeks.

  8. Everyone deals with pain differently. Some tolerate it well, while others do not. Regardless of your pain tolerance, you will be provided with a narcotic pain medication that will be more than enough to alleviate the discomfort. The discomfort feels more like stiffness and soreness that’s similar to when you start a new exercise program or when you’re working with a new trainer.

  9. As discussed during the consultation, the elasticity of your skin and the subcutaneous tissue will define the final result. The more elastic the skin and subcutaneous tissues are, the better they’ll pull, tighten, and drape over the body. Also, the ultimate result depends on how efficient your body heals.

  10. DO NOT massage the buttocks or have LPG (etc.) on it. Take good care of your butt for the first two weeks because this is the time when the fats are revascularizing to live and survive. Don’t sit directly on your butt. Instead, consider putting the weight on your thighs when sitting up. Sleeping on the sides or on the stomach is preferable. If you want to sleep on your back, put a pillow under the thighs to take the pressure off the buttocks.

  11. You may shower two-three days after the Corporate Butt® procedure. You can remove all the bandages by this time. It is OK to wash and reuse the garment.
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