
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Matlock adopted liposuction early on and has been performing the technique since 1987. Liposuction was introduced into the United States in 1982. The procedure originated out of Italy by a gynecologist who brought it to the forefront of the modern era of liposuction. A major benefit of liposuction is to remove areas of unwanted fat in most areas of the body, from the neck to the ankles. It should be noted that the outcomes of the procedure are based upon numerous contributing factors, such as the quality and elasticity of the skin, as well as the location of the fatty tissue to be removed. The volume of fatty tissue in the desired area of removal also greatly contributes to the surgical outcomes. Some of the most requested areas of liposuction include the abdomen, waist, outer and inner thighs, back, knees, and upper arms. 

Dr. Matlock has contributed to the art, by not only teaching liposuction to other surgeons but by lecturing all over the world on the subject matter. To date, liposuction remains the number one cosmetic surgery procedure performed in the United States. Explore with us the fascinating developments that have occurred in this procedure over time to the most revolutionary state of the art at present. 

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    Before and After Photos

    What is liposuction?

    Liposuction is a surgical technique designed to strategically remove unwanted fat. At the essence of the technique a cannula that is placed under suction is used to make tunnels in the deep fat, middle fat, and superficial fat. The tunnels collapse upon themselves and this is how you get the reduction in the fatty tissue for the area of concern. The technique uses tumescent infiltration (tumescent means tense). By that we mean the solution will completely infiltrate and bulge the area. The tumescent solution consists of saline and epinephrine. Epinephrine is a vasoconstrictor and that assists in making liposuction a relatively bloodless and safe procedure. 

    In this process, the cannula selectively acts on the fat and preserves the vital fibrovascular collagen connecting tissue network. Bottom line, this entire process previously described allows the skin to shrink-wrap back down over the treated area to give a pleasing contour. 

    Dr. Matlock prefers to use the terminology liposculpturing because his vision of the procedure is to sculpt the body much as an artist sculpts a piece of work. Liposuction to Dr. Matlock doesn’t just mean “sucking fat.” The procedure is far more than that to him. His concept is to bring the entire body into alignment. To create art, one has to understand art and Dr. Matlock’s years of liposculpturing experience is the personification of art. To date, Dr. Matlock has treated patients from all fifty states and over seventy countries. His clientele includes A-listers from both the BIG and small screen.

    We feel that it is imperative that the patient understands the difference between liposculpturing and the so-called nonsurgical fat reduction techniques. We emphasize the non-surgical nature of these procedures. The procedures can be categorized as follows: cryolipolysis, radiofrequency lipolysis, laser lipolysis, and injection lipolysis. Make no mistake…these non-surgical techniques WILL NEVER provide the results that liposuction achieves. We firmly believe that these techniques overzealously use marketing strategies that over-promise results. 

    We do not promote nor do we perform any of the non-surgical techniques, due to the fact that they can not achieve the desired surgical outcomes provided by liposculpturing. We have routinely seen patients who are unhappy with the lack of results after having tried non-surgical techniques. These patients have then come into our office to have liposculpturing performed to get true and real results. 

    Types of Liposculpturing 

    With any of the following forms of liposculpturing, tumescent infiltration is an integral part of each of the procedures. The different types of liposuction techniques to be discussed are standard liposculpturing, power-assisted liposculpturing, vaser assisted liposculpturing, advanced surgical bodybuilding liposculpturing, and Vaser Hi Def liposculpturing. Any of these procedures can be combined with Renuvion J- Plasma skin tightening. 

    Traditional Liposculpturing

    Traditional Liposculpturing is the fundamental basis of all the other types of liposculpturing described in this section. In comparison to some of the other techniques with advanced technologies and equipment, it can be considered low tech. Standard liposculpturing involves various types of static cannulas with varying different tip styles. A smaller diameter cannula is best because they’re much less traumatic on the tissue. The surgical technique is also pretty standard. The fat is first removed in the deep tissue, then middle tissue, and ultimately the superficial tissue. Fine-tuning is then done until the desired effect is achieved. The desired end result is a matter of aesthetic knowledge of how to contour the body and bring the body into alignment. Also, the standard technique is the most physically challenging for the surgeon. As stated before, liposuction is the most strenuous and demanding cosmetic surgical procedure. The procedure time is dependent upon the patient’s height, weight, number and size of areas to be treated. This standard technique can lead to more tissue trauma, swelling, and bruising. 

    After the procedure, the patient is placed in a surgical garment to hold and splint the treated areas in place. The garment is usually worn for four weeks total. The first two weeks the garment is to be worn around the clock, with the exception of an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening to shower. The last two weeks, the garment is only worn during the day. Most patients report having little discomfort on the first day of surgery. This is due to the tumescent solution and the post-op pain control it provides. The next day, patients report feeling stiff or as if they had not worked out in a long period of time and have returned to training. The overall feeling is one of stiffness on the second day. Patients receive antibiotics and pain relief for one week. Most patients normally return to work in about one week and return to physical exercise in two weeks.

    Vaser-Assisted Liposculpturing 

    By definition, vaser stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. Vaser assisted liposculpturing is using all of the principles indicated under standard liposculpturing, but prior to the suctioning procedure, the vaser probe is used to treat the bottom, middle, and superficial layers of fat. The vaser strategically disrupts the fat into separate globules. This results in an emulsification of the fat into a thin liquid substance. The vaser spares all of the other subcutaneous structures because it is engineered to only work on the fat. This process makes the ultimate suctioning procedure easier and more gentle on the tissue. This is a tremendous advantage for the patient because it results in less bruising, swelling, and less downtime. The vaser also minimizes the physical work required of the surgeon. The vaser energy also gives us 53% more skin tightening. Due to the advance benefits provided by the vaser, the vast majority of Dr. Matlock’s patients have the vaser used in their procedures. 

    Vaser Hi Def Liposculpturing

    Vaser Hi Def liposculpturing is probably one of the most advanced techniques of liposculpturing introduced to date. It was introduced into the United States approximately twelve years ago by a famous Colombian plastic surgeon, who happens to be a dear friend of Dr. Matlock’s and personally trained him in the technique. Vaser Hi Def is an advanced procedure that defines the muscular structure of the body. The technique involves the scientific art of sculpting out the muscular structures of the body. Most notably the abdominal six pack, obliques, pecs, lats, biceps, triceps, deltoids, as well as other muscular structures. It requires the surgeon to have an intimate understanding of muscle physiology, muscular anatomy, and the surgical techniques to bring out one’s actual muscular structure. 

    The procedure is mostly requested by men, but more women are requesting the procedure for a more athletic look. Vaser Hi Def requires all of the techniques under vaser assisted liposculpturing. As an NPC competitor in Men’s Physique category, Dr. Matlock intimately knows what is required for the preparation for muscular development and definition. He knows what it takes to be a winner. Dr. Matlock uses his knowledge of exercise physiology, competition, and the surgical art of vaser hi def liposculpturing to provide successful outcomes to his patients. 

    Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding® Liposculpturing 

    Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding® is a technique developed by Dr. Matlock which includes all the techniques used for vaser hi def liposculpturing. It is for patients who desire to have a natural bulking of various muscle groups, such as the triceps, biceps, deltoids, lats, and calves. In the technique, fat from the vaser hi def liposculpturing procedure is collected, processed, and injected into the desired muscle that the patients wants augmented. The procedure is performed under intraoperative ultrasound guidance with a needle placement into the desired muscle structure. Specified amounts of live fat are strategically placed in the muscle to bulk it and to give the augmented results that look and feel natural. The incision is only a needle puncture as if the patient was merely having his/her blood drawn. Patients with muscular asymmetry also come in for muscle equalization with this technique. Patients from all walks of life seek this advanced treatment. From exercise enthusiasts to triathletes to bodybuilders. Dr. Matlock has published one of the only papers delineating these techniques and the safety of the techniques. 

    Renuvion (J Plasma) skin tightening 

    Renuvion (J Plasma) skin tightening can be used with all of the above-mentioned liposculpturing techniques. It is a revolutionary technology that proves to be the best answer to tightening relaxed skin of the body. It uses proprietary technology of radiofrequency coupled with J Plasma/helium that internally heats the skin to therapeutic levels of skin tightening, while simultaneously cooling the skin to prevent injury/burns. There is nothing else like it currently on the market. Everyone knows that as we age, the skin becomes lax. Everyone also knows that as we go up and down in weight, the skin becomes lax. Dr. Matlock has been searching for a solution for patients and Renuvion is the answer. Dr. Matlock will only recommend and use technologies that provide real benefits for his patients. As previously mentioned, if there are issues of skin relaxation, Renuvion can be used with any of the liposculpturing techniques.

    Liposculpturing in its advanced stage of technology is an extremely safe procedure. The main risks are bleeding and infection. The incidence of that is less than 1%. As stated, liposculpturing is the number one cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the nation. According to a study by the ASPS Liposuction Task Force, released in October 1998, the rate of significant complications from liposuction is low. The Task Force reviewed 24,295 liposuction surgeries performed by board-certified plastic surgeons for the study and found that only .03 percent reported significant complications. 

    Factors that increase the risk of complications include: large volume liposuction, because of the use of greater amounts of fluid and anesthesia, as well as the removal of more fat; extended length of surgery; multiple procedures; or a patient whose preoperative health is compromised.

    The following tables record the data from that survey.  


    Areas can be treated with liposuction

    With the advanced liposculpturing skills and technologies that Dr. Matlock employs, most unwanted fatty areas from the neck to the ankles can be treated. The liposculpturing techniques used are based upon the desires of the patient and what they wish to accomplish. The most requested areas are the abdomen/stomach, waist/muffin tops/flanks, hips/outer thighs/inner thighs, legs, and buttocks. Other popular areas for liposculpturing are the arms, neck, and chin. Back fat such as the area below and above the bra line is also commonly requested by women. In fact, the entire back can be liposuctioned, as well as the sacral area above the buttocks. It should be noted that all of the liposculpturing techniques previously mentioned can be applied to the various areas. 

    In this day and age, women of all walks of life frequently want the buttocks lifted, augmented, or shaped with our Brazilian Butt Lift/Augmentation technique. In the Brazilian Butt Lift, the fat from the liposuctioned areas is sterilely collected, washed with a double antibiotic solution, harvested, purified, concentrated, and then aesthetically and strategically injected into the deep, middle, and superficial fatty layers of the buttocks to achieve the desired aesthetic result. 

    It should be noted that many patients are concerned with skin relaxation, whether it is due to age, weight gain, weight loss, or family genetics. Our liposculpturing techniques that employ advanced technologies, such as vaser and Renuvion can address these issues. In Dr. Matlock’s experience, most patients request a comprehensive total body makeover. Most patients can have this performed in a single surgical session. For those who may be of larger stature, it might be necessary to perform their procedures in stages. The stages can be done every six weeks until the desired total body result is accomplished. 

    Dr. Matlock is not only interested in a successful surgical result but also vested in the overall nutritional and physical health of the patient. Dr. Matlock provides support, recommended diets, and an exercise program personally developed by him. It is his desire to provide the patient with a full-service experience. Each and every patient receives a diet that is tailored to them, as well as a comprehensive high-intensity weight training program, as well as a high-intensity cardio program if needed. These are provided to every patient. In addition, Dr. Matlock has a YouTube page that illustrates the exact exercise programs.Liposuction is no longer mainly for women. A larger number of men are also seeking these treatments. The majority of the men are interested in our Vaser Hi Def Liposuction/Liposculpturing, Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding®, and skin-tightening procedures. For the Vaser Hi Def Liposuction procedures, the goal is to chisel out the following areas: six-pack, obliques, pecs, lats, biceps, triceps, and deltoids. Other men who are not interested in these advanced procedures want the vaser assisted with or without the Renuvion to treat the abdomen, waist, back fat, and arms. 

    Liposuction procedure involve

    As we have alluded to, our practice is international. Forty-six percent of our patients are out of state and out of the country. We have implemented systems to service these patients and meet their entire scheduling needs. A concierge experience is provided to the patient, which includes hotel accommodations/recommendations, car services, nursing after-care services, and private nursing. We offer these patients FaceTime, Skype, Botem, WhatsApp, telephone consults, and email. It should be noted that the exact same detailed consult information that we perform for a patient in the office, is provided with the various different platforms. Communication with technology using these various platforms allows us to service our patients all over the world. 

    Following each virtual consult, the patient is provided with the exact same paperwork as the office patients receive. This paperwork contains detailed information on postoperative care, risks, complications, etc. Patients who schedule surgery and need medical clearance will have that performed in their home state or country. Lab work will also be done in their home state or country of origin. In so doing, patients can fly into Los Angeles the day before surgery. Post-surgical patients have instant access to Dr. Matlock via phone, as well as all other communication platforms. If it is after hours, the patient will be cross-connected with Dr. Matlock via telephone within 15 seconds. Patients will be supplied with all necessary phone numbers and contact information for platforms such as FaceTime, Skype, Botem, and WhatsApp. 

    Dr. Matlock’s surgical procedures have been designed with the fact in mind that 46% of  patients are from out of the state or out of the country and therefore risks are mitigated.

    It is our duty to ensure sure that medically the requested procedure is safe and correct for patients. Each patient’s comprehensive medical history and lab work is reviewed. If the patient is under forty years of age, Dr. Matlock performs the comprehensive physical and examination. If there are any questions, at times, Dr. Matlock may call on a consultant for review. For patients 40 years of age or older, a medical clearance will be needed by an independent physician. An Internist is conveniently located in our building. A comprehensive lab panel, which looks at all vital organ structures, as well as a chest x-ray and EKG are evaluated by the consulting Internist. Based upon this thorough examination and review, the independent Internist will give a recommendation clearance for surgery, if deemed appropriate. It should be noted that it is extremely rare for patients to not be cleared for surgery. Some of the most common reasons for surgical delay is substantial anemia, extended clotting factors PT/PTT, and pre-existing medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension. All of which can be corrected, so that the patient can safely have the surgical procedure. 

    After the patient has had their comprehensive physical examination, the patient will be taken into a room by the surgical consultant to answer any existing questions regarding anything that Dr. Matlock had previously discussed with the patient. The surgical consultant will review all the information provided by Dr. Matlock with the patient and answer any questions or concerns. They will go over all the paperwork with the patient, if needed. The surgical consultant will provide the patient with a written list of risks and complications previously discussed by Dr. Matlock. The patient is given time to sit down and review the list in detail and ask any questions they may have of both the surgical consultant and Dr. Matlock.

    Based upon the initial consult with Dr. Matlock and the patient, the surgical consultant will go through the entire recommended procedures outlined. It is up to the patient to determine exactly what he/she wants. The patient can go by the recommended areas for his/her procedure or they may also choose to modify the recommended procedures according to his/her desires, scheduling, or budget. Dr. Matlock is very sensitive to the patient’s budget and accommodating to patients according to her desires and wishes. 

    After the financial information has been discussed and finalized, the patient will be given all of the other documents necessary for a complete understanding of the procedure to be performed. This is a comprehensive package including what to expect before and after the procedure, pain relief options that will be provided, medications and supplements not to take prior to surgery, antibiotics, the surgical garment which will be worn after surgery, and other detailed information. Risks and complications will also be discussed again at this time. The patient will also be provided with a comprehensive diet and exercise program tailored to his/her specific needs. The diet may consist of a high protein low carb, low-fat low carb, or it may consist of a keto diet, which is a low carb high healthy fat diet. The patient will also be provided with Dr. Matlock’s recommended high-intensity interval weight training program; also available on youtube. This training program has been specifically designed by Dr. Matlock to avoid injury. Dr. Matlock also practices the same exercise program as he recommends to his patients. 

    It should also be noted that patients will be told how long their surgical procedure is expected to take and how long they can expect to be in the recovery room. Their first postoperative appointment will be in four days. If the patient is local, they will have two more postoperative visits. One visit will be in three weeks and the last visit will be three weeks after that. This is because the vast majority of the healing is done in six weeks. Although the patient can have continued results up to three to four months, especially with the use of the advanced techniques (Renuvion 6-12 months). 

    After the consultation and the office process is complete then the patient is scheduled for the surgical procedure and given your date for surgery in the state of the art Beverly Hills Sunset Surgery Center. The surgical center is a freestanding surgical center next to Dr. Matlock’s office. Many other top surgeons and specialists also use this state of the art facility. Beverly Hills Sunset Surgery Center is a 5,000 square-feet center that has three operating rooms, a six-bed post-anesthesia recovery room, and three pre-operative rooms. Beverly Hills Sunset Surgery Center has the most prestigious certifications in the United States. It is Medicare and Joint Commission certified requiring it to operate under the same principles of the most prestigious hospitals in the United States with the same certification. Patients will be received by a professional staff member in the front office. They will have the patient fill out the necessary surgical center documentation required of a Medicare/JCAHO certified surgical facility.

    Patients will be called by the board-certified anesthesiologist the night before to discuss anesthesia for the procedure. The board-certified anesthesiologist will have reviewed the patient’s entire case. The types of anesthesia provided are local, local with IV sedation, epidurals, twilight, and general anesthesia. In our practice, 98% of patients want to have general anesthesia. Under general anesthesia, the patient is completely asleep.

    After completion of all of the required documentation for the surgical center, the patient will be escorted to the recovery room where they will be assisted by one of our Registered Nurses (RN) to prepare you for your surgical procedure. The RN will have the patient change into a surgical gown, perform routine diagnostic tests, connect the patient to the monitors, verify historical routine information, run an electrocardiogram strip, and take all baseline vital signs. The RN will chart these down for documentation and the review of the anesthesiologist. Dr. Matlock will then see the patient and in the presence of the RN do the surgical markings to extensively detail the exact procedure to be done and have it verified with the patient. After this is completed an IV will be inserted and the anesthesiologist will then come talk to the patient. The anesthesiologist will discuss any questions that the patient may have regarding anesthesia and report what they should expect post-anesthesia. The anesthesiologist will also provide a sedative prior to transporting the patient into the operating room to allay any anxiety that is common prior to surgery. 

    The surgical team will then transport the patient via a gurney to the operating room and then transfer the patient to the surgical table. The patient will then be connected by the RN and the anesthesiologist to the vital structure monitors. Dr. Matlock will be right at the patient’s side during this time to provide knowledge and comfort for the patient. When all systems are ready the anesthesia is induced. The patient is sterilely prepped and draped and the surgeon being sterilely prepped and gowned, the surgical procedure will then begin. Prophylactic IV antibiotics are given at the beginning of the surgery.

    In regards to pain, no one likes pain. Dr. Matlock does everything possible to make each and every procedure as comfortable and pain-free for all of our patients. The tumescent fluid has lidocaine in it which provides pain relief for approximately 12 to 18 hours postoperatively. The tumescent fluid is infused throughout the fatty tissue to interact with the pain sensors to neutralize and nullify the pain. This is why patients report being comfortable 12-18 hours post-surgery. For further pain control, we provide each and every patient with pain relief options for any additional postoperative pain control beyond the tumescent fluid. This pain relief is to be taken every 4-6 hours as needed to treat moderate to severe pain. Pain experienced by patients has been described as if they had not exercised in a long period of time, got a new trainer, and had initiated a new exercise program. Many patients report experiencing noticeable stiffness and soreness. The post-surgical pain is not something that is unbearable. Most patients are fine nine days after the surgery. In fact, Dr. Matlock has patients that go back to work and/or travel on Day 4 after surgery. Dr. Matlock recommends taking a week off postoperatively to allow for healing. 

    Before and After Images

    Traditional Liposuction

    Vaser-Assisted Liposuction

    Vaser Hi-Def Liposuction

    Vaser Hi Def Lipsuction can be performed with other procedures too. This patient also received a Brazilian Butt Lift.

    Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding®


    Good candidates for liposuction are patients that are within 30% of their ideal weight. These candidates have skin that is elastic, firm, and contains good muscle tone. An ideal candidate also does not have a life threatening illness or pre-existing medical condition that may slow down the healing process. Those who do not smoke are also considered to be ideal candidates. In Dr. Matlock’s experience, many ordinary people can benefit substantially from his techniques. It is the minority of the population who are considered “ideal” for these techniques. With the advancement of technology, Dr. Matlock can provide amazing results for people who do not fit into the criteria of “ideal.” Dr. Matlock has a lot of happy patients who believed and trusted in his judgement. Dr. Matlock wants each and every patient to be happy and satisfied by achieving their realistic goals and he works together with each person to accomplish this.

    What are the risks and side effects

    In the discussion of risks and complications it is to be noted that liposuction is a very safe surgical procedure but as with every procedure, there are risks. Dr. Matlock makes sure patients are thoroughly informed of the risks and complications. He goes through great lengths to provide verbal and written explanations of these to each patient. He welcomes all questions and thoroughly explains any concerns patients may have.

    Liposuction risks include: 

    • Bleeding
    • Infection
    • Bruising
    • Swelling
    • Persistent swelling
    • Irregular contours or asymmetries
    • Fluid accumulation
    • Irregular contours are asymmetries
    • Change in skin sensations that may persist
    • Rippling or loose skin
    • Worsening of cellulite
    • Poor wound healing
    • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
    • Anesthesia risk
    • Need for revision surgery
    • Irregular pigmentation
    • Damage to deeper structures such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, lungs and abdominal organs
    • Thermal burn or heat injury from ultrasound with the ultrasound-assisted liposuction technique

    The Liposuction Recovery Process

    The recovery process for each and every patient is largely dependent upon the patient’s mental, physical, motivational, and emotional response to the procedure. All patients are given detailed recovery information with instructions in their preoperative office visit. It is mandatory that patients thoroughly read the provided information and follow all instructions to help ensure a smooth recovery process. The more informed patients are about the procedure, the postoperative period, and the recovery process, the more likely the patient will encounter a seamless transition back to baseline. 

    Immediately after completion of the surgical procedure, the registered nurse will place a compression garment on the patient. The compression garment will help minimize bruising, swelling, and bleeding. The garment also provides support and comfort, while holding and splinting the treated areas in place. This garment is important for the healing process and outcome of the procedure. The garment should be worn around the clock for the first two weeks. It should only be removed for bathing and for washing for an hour. During weeks three and four, the garment only has to be worn during the day. It is very important that the garment lay smoothly on the body, especially the abdomen. Creasing of the garment may create a collection of fluid above the crease and below the crease, which can be difficult and time consuming to resolve.

    Approximately 98% of Dr. Matlock’s patients request general anesthesia. Other anesthesia options offered are local, local with IV sedation, epidurals, and twilight. Regardless of the type of anesthesia selected, patients will spend approximately an hour and a half to two hours in the recovery room for close monitoring. After recovery, the patient will be released into the custody of an adult. The patient may not take a taxi, Uber, or drive themselves home/hotel. Also, an adult must stay with the patient for the first 24 hours.

    Most patients note that they do not need pain relief for the first 12 to 18 hours. This is the result of the pain relief agent that was incorporated in the tumescent fluid and injected in the fatty tissue during surgery. A post-operative pain relief option is provided to the patient to be used as needed for postoperative pain. This can be taken every 4 to 6 hours as needed for postoperative pain. An antibiotic will also need to be taken twice a day for one week. If a patient had a Brazilian Butt Augmentation, the antibiotic will be taken for two weeks. It should be noted that patients differ in their response to the surgical procedure, their perception of pain, and their pain tolerance. Some patients use no post-operative pain management at all and some patients take the pain relief as prescribed. 

    Patients are encouraged to get up and move around as often as possible. This will assist in eliminating the stiffness that most patients experience. Fluid that is clear or slightly blood-tinged will leak from the incision sites. This fluid is the tumescent solution and is no cause for alarm. The leaking normally lasts for about 48 hours, a couple of days longer when the surgical site included the arms. The arms and the abdomen can leak for up to four days. Various pads can be placed on beds or other areas to prevent wetting or staining of surfaces. Normally, 50% of the tumescent solution comes out with suctioning during the liposuction procedure. The remaining 50% is either absorbed by the body or leaks out. Once again, postoperative leaking from the incision sites is completely normal and should be expected.

    Swelling and bruising start on the second day. Most of the swelling and bruising will go away in two weeks. Patients will see the majority of their surgical results in six weeks and will continue to see results for up to three to four months. Patients can start exercising, stretching, and massaging in two weeks. Massaging of the butt is not to be done in patients who had the Brazilian Butt Augmentation. Stiffness around the waist and abdomen can be noted when exercise is resumed. In addition, patients should eat a healthy diet & maintain an exercise regime to maintain results.

    A follow up visit will be in four days after surgery. For local patients, two additional follow up visits will occur at three weeks and six weeks. For out of state or out of country patients, these visits will be done via telemedicine.

    Choosing the right Liposuction surgeon

    From our in-depth conversation and information provided to you in this communication, we would hope that you would choose our team to provide all of your surgical needs. It would be our pleasure and honor.

    Let Dr. Matlock be your champion! By the way, his wife, Veronica loves his work and can vouch for him too!

    About Dr. Matlock

    Dr. Matlock has been performing liposculpturing since 1987 (over 32 years). Due to his vast experience and knowledge of the subject matter, he assisted companies such as Sound Surgical (now Solta) introduce/test/advanced Vaser technology. Dr. Matlock also assisted MicroAire in the same capacity for the Power-Assisted Liposuction unit (PAL). 

    Dr. Matlock was one of the first cosmetic surgeons in the world to advance the popularization of the Brazilian Butt Lift/Augmentation while being a cast member on the hit E! Entertainment reality show Dr. 90210. During the five years that Dr. Matlock was on Dr. 90210, his Brazilian Butt Lift/Augmentation technique was featured numerous times, while the show aired in over 22 countries.

    Dr. David Matlock is the pioneer of Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery. He has trained over 435 surgeons (gynecologists, plastic surgeons, and urologists) in over 46 countries in his pioneered procedures, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation® and Designer Laser Vaginoplasty®. He has treated patients from all 50 states and over 70 countries.

    Dr. Matlock holds a dual degree of MD, MBA. He received his Masters in Business Administration from the University of California at Irvine in 2010. His business passions include entrepreneurism, new ventures, and international business. His most adventurous international business is the development and management of Beverly Hills Sunset Surgical Center International in Dubai, soon to be expanded throughout the Middle East to ten facilities. 

    Dr. Matlock has had the privilege and honor to treat countless A-List stars including winners of the Academy Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Emmy Awards, Grammy Awards, the American Music Awards, as well as many others. His clientele also includes foreign presidents, royal families, as well as Fortune 500 executives.


    What is the cost of liposuction?

    The cost of liposculpturing is highly variable based upon the patient’s height, weight, number of areas to be treated, the size of the areas to be treated, the desired or recommended procedures and technologies such as Vaser assisted, Vaser Hi Def, Advanced Surgical Bodybuilding®, Brazilian Butt Lift/Augmentation, and/or a combination of these techniques. 

    Dr. Matlock and team are willing to work with patients’ budgets to make their desires a reality. Dr. Matlock understands his patients and will compromise according to what is best for each individual situation. The goal of Dr. Matlock’s team is to make dreams come true!

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