Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, CA

Many women seek LRL of the labia majora via horizontal elliptical excision because they have severe relaxation and want to reduce the sagging and relaxed labia majora and restore a more youthful appearance. Contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. David Matlock!


Welcome to your guide to Laser Reduction Labiaplasty (LRL) of the Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision. Patients should review the following information to help ensure an educated decision regarding a surgical procedure. Remember, this presentation does not take the place of a consultation.

LRL of the Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision is the most popular procedure for the complete aesthetic restructuring of the labia majora, to provide a youthful appearance. This procedure is an actual surgical procedure that uses the laser for cutting, dissecting, and absorbable suture material to aesthetically reapproximate the deep tissues and skin edges.

LRL of the Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision is a procedure for women wishing to reduce the appearance of the labia majora (large outer lips). Patients who request this procedure may be concerned with large, sagging, thick, uneven, “camel toe”, or aesthetically appealing labia majora. The best candidate for this procedure is a physically healthy woman with realistic goals.


Patients will provide a complete medical history and a list of medications, including vitamins and herbs that they are currently taking.

The following are tips that may help shorten the recovery time and decrease the chances of complications.

  • Discontinue using Aspirin (including medications that contain Aspirin), Ibuprofen, Naprosyn, St. John’s Wort, Vitamin E and other supplements as directed. These act as blood thinners and could cause excessive bruising, bleeding or other complications. We will give you a complete list of medications and herbal supplements to avoid prior to your procedure.
  • Stop smoking for at least two weeks before and one week after surgery, as nicotine can impair circulation and healing.


LRL of the Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision is performed on an outpatient basis. The patient has her choice of anesthesia (pudendal block, IV sedation, twilight, or general). Ninety-eight percent elect to have general anesthesia. LRL of the Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision lasts approximately one hour.

A pudendal block (nerve block) is given to provide 18-24 hours postoperative pain control anesthesia. The labia majora are assessed for relaxation and the area is appropriately marked. A special laser is used to perform the “proprietary” DLV® technique. Absorbable sutures are then used to re-approximate and close the incision site.

Post Surgery

Patients may experience some bruising, swelling, and discomfort after the procedure. Swelling may linger for as long as two weeks or perhaps longer. Pain medication will be prescribed to control any discomfort. Note that the pain medications can cause constipation (it is the most common complaint) and the patient should use a stool softener such as Colace. Additionally, patients are encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, and eat fruits and vegetables to help soften the stool.

Apply ice packs to the labia majora off and on, in twenty-minute intervals, for the first 48 hours to minimize swelling.


During the recovery period, patients are not to engage in sexual activity for six weeks. No sexual activity or exercise (yoga, spinning, cycling, Pilates, weightlifting, etc.). Most patients return to work in one week. Others, whose job may be more physically demanding, may require more time off of work.

Patients may shower the next day following surgery. No tub baths for four weeks. The use of thong underwear and tight fitting clothing should be avoided for four weeks as well.


The results of LRL of the Labia Majora via Vertical Elliptical Excision procedure will be complete at six weeks postoperatively. At that time, patients can resume all sexual and physical activities without any restrictions.

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